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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko Psitulmnie w Zabrzu

Meet Ruto, a medium-sized dog who, despite his mature age, still has a youthful spirit and finds joy in life. He came to our shelter on May 14, 2011, from 3-go Maja Street, along with a few months old female pup. They were reportedly found in the woods about a month earlier. At the time, Ruto was severely malnourished and very frightened. He must have gone through a lot because he was terrified of the human touch for a long time. He even attempted to defend himself with his teeth at the slightest innocent gesture. He would panic when anyone tried to tie him up even for a moment. There must be a lot of bad memories in his head, but years of work on his fears have made Ruto love people and enjoy their company. He no longer fears touch, and, in fact, often seeks affection. The only thing he doesn't like much is grooming. He approaches other animals with a friendly attitude, and he'd do a lot for treats. Ruto has participated in many events, he's a dog trekking veteran, and he does great in crowds with other dogs and people. Due to his age, he needs to limit his long hikes, but he always looks forward to any walk. We believe there's someone out there who will love him and give him a true home. Of course, it should be a home without small children. He's never been around them, and they might make him a bit too anxious.

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